Tuesday 29 August 2017

On the Trail of the Oreo!! Android, Eclipsed by None!!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

It is not every day that a country was following two different sets of news with equal passion. The solar eclipse and the launch of Android O! The fact that there are more than 2 billion active Android devices  is certainly not enough to challenge the ongoings in the solar system, but is undoubtedly monumental. The way Android gains popularity across the globe, through the years with its yummy versions to turn into an Oreo this time tells it all.

Android O, first announced in May during the Google I/O 2017 developer conference is under carrier testing for the Pixel and the Nexus phones and a selected few from Samsung, LG, Motorola, Sony & others would be on the Oreo by the end of this year. On Tuesday, when most of the USA was caught in the solar eclipse frenzy, Android fans were preoccupied with other important research on the latest feature list with the Oreo!

Read more at The Rise Of The Android Oreo

eLearning Apps & Software Solutions – The Future of Education Lies here

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

“Learning and innovation go hand in hand. The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.” – William Pollard. And that is what really holds true for the education industry. The rate at which the education fraternity is expanding and the extent to which technology is penetrating in this domain is mind blowing. eLearning has replaced traditional methods of learning and taking a step further, mLearning i.e. mobile learning is paving ways for novel techniques and patterns of education. Be it any age, course, location, environment, there are comprehensive eLearning app & software solutions coming up with full bloom. Call it learning with association or with performance support, eLearning has all positives of a good learning pattern.  

The spread of enterprise mobility and education app development has touched upon lives of many, be it professional or personal. This has started a revolutionary step in the global scenario showcasing ample benefits that each and every technology or fraternity is gaining because of mobile learning. The future of eLearning has brightened with the assimilation of big data services and its true potential is unleashed with BI services. The penetration of mobile gadgets into today’s globe is unstoppable and hence no wonder, it strikes a great chord in the education industry.

Read more at Education App Development – A Futuristic & Simplistic Approach to Learning

Engaging the Digital Native with User Led Mobile App Engagement

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Millennials are digital natives in the true sense born into the age of of the digital transformation. More adept to using digital tech for almost everything, engaging this generation does not remain as unassuming as simply giving them a smartphone.

Besides the customers of an enterprise, a growing number of millennial's in the workforce as well means that there is a complete shift in the way the apps should expect the users to interact at work as well. Apps become a way of life on the go at home, at work and everywhere. The disruptive millennials chalk out completely refurbished user engagement norms for the new age apps noted by mobile application development companies across the globe.

User led management of the apps arrives & how!

With changes in technology come the rising expectations from it. Apps in the last decade integrate with lifestyles at a steady pace making themselves very critical. All connected, all mobile, the sophisticated & trending devices right from smartphones to the wearables all make apps indispensable. App UX Design Services becomes a millennial cult for mobile application development companies.

Read more at App UX Design Services becomes a millennial cult for mobile application development

And Then it Crashed! Disregarding .NET, A Catastrophe..

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Years of planning, years of my hard work and when my systems crashed, I remember only her words.

“Be sure, because I think we would be better off with .NET enterprise application development. Without this we could be making the biggest mistake of our lives” ……

But there was not point now. It is all over. I did not pay heed to my CTO. She was the best but my arrogance took better of me. I did not depend on the .NET technologies, the window to the future to support my huge enterprise I had brought up from scratch.

It all started as a small grocery business inherited from my family. I clearly remember how I started off taking care of the three shops spread across the city. With my judgement and foresight, I devised a very efficient home delivery model within the city and gradually a SMS model to help my regular clients place orders and make online payments.

Today, after 10 branches I was ready to launch a website for people to browse through my products and place orders through the site or the very efficient app for Stop&Shop, the brand I nurtured & curated for the last seven years. The eCommerce bug had bit me hard, but I faltered on technology.

I did not listen to her.

Read more at Microsoft .NET, A Catastrophe

Tuesday 22 August 2017

eCommerce and Mobile Apps, An Organized Chaos Reigns Supreme!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

As most other technology driven approaches, eCommerce keeps adapting & reinventing itself right from the time it came into vogue way back in the nineties. eCommerce adapts into its fold a growing number of devices right from the smart phones to the smart watches besides of course the traditional computers & laptops. The ecosystem turns into a completely new kind of commerce as it keeps growing, adding to itself the power of BI & Analytics, Mobile Technologies, Social Media, the Cloud and now even Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence & the Chatbots.

Niche technologies like the beacons offer completely different ways of fusing the physical & the digital aspects of catering to customers and offer retail experiences, B2B experiences and other B2C experiences integrated closely with the millennial world eCommerce. Specialized eCommerce apps by app development companies tap in into the psyche of the millennial user with the intent of keeping the new age shopper engaged in novel ways.

Read More at Custom eCommerce Development for Mobile

Monday 21 August 2017

Goods & Service Tax Network – Going Beyond the Obvious! Generating BI & Analytics for the Indian Government!!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Throwing the system into shock becomes a way of life for the Indian government; ironically for bringing in huge welcome changes. Demonetization was almost the heady cocktail served around Diwali whose hangover continued into the new year, followed by the implementation of the long pending Goods & Services tax, GST. And this really only seems to be the beginning!

Putting aside the shock, awe & debates, the IT companies remained silently geared up for relevant action on GST since quite a few years now. Continuous communications from Mr Navin Kumar, the chairman of the GSTN, the technology backbone of GST puts a lot into perspective.

Read More At https://blog.spec-india.com/goods-service-tax-network-going-beyond-obvious-generating-bi-analytics-indian-government/

Friday 4 August 2017

Change is the Only Constant – Trends Go Up & Down in IT Outsourcing

“Do what you do best and outsource the rest” – Peter Drucker. This has been the basic fundamental with which the IT outsourcing industry has been ruling the globe since a long time now. It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea to bask on everything, especially when it comes to technology, which is the fastest growing fraternity all over the world, irrespective of the size, segment and type of domain that is adapting itself to the swift technology wave. Even IT enterprises are turning more premeditated and are partnering with other IT outsourcing partners for a better quality, efficient and superior digitization. Offshore software development is here to stay, so says the n number of users leveraging the potential of this engagement model that has carved a niche for itself all around. The market for outsourcing sector is sure to instantly increase in demand, with an exponential growth the in the escalating needs of the clients.

IT Outsourcing is turning out to be a major route to encourage modernization and efficiency in the enterprise. With such a huge engagement model creating waves, trends are bound to be generated on a continuous basis which showcases the rise and fall of a mix of technologies, approaches and changing client needs. Annually, trends keep changing. In offshore software development companies, some trends rise, some fall and you see a new mix and match of novel patterns coming up each time you view the IT outsourcing sector on a bigger scale. Because of umpteen external factors like enterprise digitization, cloud computing, business intelligence, project execution methodologies like DevOps, Agile, enterprise mobile apps, newer tools and technologies etc., there are some trending observations which will continue to rule and some which will slow down over a period of time, fading away its significance and making way for new ones.

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's blog

Read more @ Trends Soaring High, Trends Lying Low – IT Outsourcing Witnesses an All Time High

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Mobile Apps for Travel & Tourism!! At the Top of the Millennial Packing List!!

The travel bug hits the millennials like none other. The meaning of travel changes from simply leisure to exploring one’s own likings on the go. The new age wanderers explore, design and execute their own plans. Travel becomes an adventure into the unknown. Armed with technology & appropriate travel mobile app development approaches these escapades take a completely different turn!

Travel mobile app development is a field with endless possibilities specially for the tourism industry where innovative ideas and selections matter the most to bring in technology to push the business into the right direction. Correctly leveraged mobile app technology allow travel enterprises explore innumerable opportunities.

What is vital to figure out is the inclinations of the millennial traveler who shifts to mobile apps as a travel solution. The future of tourism industry lies in generating value for the millennial tourists & workforce helping them with highly resourceful travel apps with unforgettable experiences.

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Visit Read More at Mobile Application for Travel

Riding High on App-less Proximity & Context The Tech Combo of Physical Web & Beacons Arrives

The physical web is not the Internet of Things, in fact it is a technology that could effectively widen the scope of IoT itself bringing IoT to extremely simple objects. With physical web and beacons, Google is actively thinking of eliminating the middle layer of applications that could slow down a phone if installed in plenty by making use of over the internet URLs for interactions; almost as if back to basics.

The physical web is not exclusive to Google tools or browsers. It is more of a standard technique wherein the concept of IoT reaches out in a simpler way. Physical web will ease the interactions with connected devices in the years to come, effectively propelling the usage of IoT. The physical web is not here to replace any other technology interacting with IoT, like native apps for example. The idea is not different from IoT when it comes to the purposes it solves.

Physical web has its own set of utilities and attractions that enterprises have started making use of globally in conjunction to strengthen the IoT use cases more than anything else with prudent beacons & ibeacons app development.

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Visit Read More at The Tech Combo of Physical Web & Beacons Arrives