Wednesday 27 September 2017

The Disruptive Retail Apps! Heralding an Innovative Age for Buyers & Sellers!!

This blog was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

We stand at the cusp of a completely different world, waiting to fuse in the physical & the digital seamlessly and effortlessly. The Retail industry, just as other major sectors find it essential to research & invest in rolling out niche retail apps for mobile to suit the changing preferences of the customers catered to by innovative mobile application development companies.

Buzzwords like Social Media, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Cloud, Retail Analytics & Mobile technologies are proving to be the key technology propellers of the revolution within the retail industry, which effectively leverages both hardware & software resulting into comprehensive app based solutions.

Disruptions brought in by the cool millennials herald a new age of Retail altogether. The changes brought in are monumental.

For engaging millennials better, smart retailers tend to setup favorable ecosystems when it comes to retail space design. A natural aspect of this surrounding are retail apps & related solutions that take the next leap beyond innovation & technology.

The needs of the society today are easily facilitated by well-designed communication networks & mobile devices, which add an edge to the retail industry. The expectations of the customers as well as the retail workforce are easily catered to by the available retail segment apps offered by mobile application development companies.

Read more @ Retail Apps for Mobile to Suit the Changing Preferences of the Customers

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Mobile Apps Bring a Paradigm Shift in Logistics Industry for the Superior

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Shipping & Logistics has always been one of the busiest, fast moving and happening industry across the globe. Service providers in this arena always come across assorted challenges that address transportation issues and customer satisfaction. With emphasis on security, real time information, modernization increasing day by day, the need for a comprehensive technological solution to serve the needs of the logistics industry has also showcased to a large extent. As we see, in this industry, the entire field force is always on the move and that too spread out in various locations. And what better than the king of technologies, which has been ruling the globe single handedly – Mobile apps to serve the purpose to its optimum. Mobile App Development Solutions are the in thing today for almost all industries and for this particular one, it serves as the single stop solution. Enterprise mobility solutions are a sure shot success factor in supply chain & logistics. Logistics industry has been one of the foremost zones to have implemented mobile devices and leverage its potential for best of management and monitoring of their practices, knowing very well how capable this technology is to grow their business and make it more efficient.

Owing to certain highly evident benefits that get highlighted, mobile apps turn out to the ideal solution to the entire field force in the logistics sector. A significant decrease in the fuel cost, high end connectivity, uninterrupted service, efficient networking, enhanced productivity, reduced driver turnover, optimum tracking provision are some of the major ones. With the advent of latest enhancements on top of mobility solutions like IoT, shipping software solutions have turned out to be smarter than before.

Read more @ Extended Visibility & Accelerated Growth - Mobile Apps Driving Change in Logistics Industry

Wednesday 20 September 2017

A User’s Wish, the Software’s Command! User Acceptance Testing Becomes a Certain Checkpoint!

This post was originally published on Software Testing Solution’s Blog
User experiences, that became a cult for mobile apps now also weigh heavy on the minds of the designers of modern day software and solutions. Evaluating then, how the system meets the expectations of the users is of the utmost importance and a very critical check point for all systems scrutinized by third party software testing companies. User acceptance testing or the verification of the systems by the users makes sure that the system complies with the requirements, handling the real-world scenarios guaranteeing user satisfaction.

Monday 18 September 2017

How is Predictive Analytics an Impeccable Technique to Optimize Inventory Management?

This Blog was Originally Published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

“Inventory is money sitting around in another form – Rhonda Adams.” Such important is the functionality of inventory management that however common or insignificant it may look, an effective and optimum management of the same is highly recommended for a successful & ROI driven business. Be it any domain – manufacturing, retail, distribution etc., inventory tracking, management, optimization and effectiveness is a must and at the same time, offers its set of challenges, owing to the multitude sets of information floating around. The right level of inventory available at the right time and the right place is what leads to a flourishing business. But, that is not as simple as it looks. There is an incessant need of technological help to make this happen and lo, here is one of the most sought after & popular technology – Predictive Analytics with Business Intelligence Consulting which will make things much easier while managing inventory.

One of the most trivial processes in any business is the management, optimization and balancing of the inventory. With the traditional approach, there are many gray areas that fail to get covered. Getting in Predictive Analytics – an important technology in Business Intelligence Consulting is the sole approach to automate inventory related activities and give the stakeholders a foresight into the happenings right before it actually happens. Here is how it can help enterprises maintain and balance their inventory to its optimum.

Read full post @ Predictive Analytics for Balanced Inventory Management – A Peep into the Future

Thursday 14 September 2017

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

My smartphone becomes me and is the new way of life for me now. So basically, throughout the day it takes on different avatars and becomes my alarm clock, my newspaper, my assistant, my encyclopedia, my weightwatcher, my office, my bank, my window to the world. Anything. I swear by my swanky gadget and am inseparable.

But, when I downloaded a completely new app of a classy furniture store to get me going with my house that I was doing up, the wonders of this practical technology designed by enterprising mobile application development companies dawned upon me and how!

Besides being powered by trending technology like Analytics, Bots, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and a lot more, mobile apps not only offer unforgettable user experiences, they also keep the users engaged in fruitful ways.

Mobile application development companies gear up to integrate flow, features & appeal with deliberations for improved user engagement as it is the  millennial world and keeping the user engaged was never more difficult .

Read More @ Mobile app development companies gear up to integrate flow, features & appeal

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Mobile App Personalization, Unleashing Smart Ways of Engaging the User!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Personalization comes to the rescue ensuring that the users find an unmissable connect to the apps from the very beginning, right from onboarding itself. Doing away with one size fits all, is a done thing for sure when it comes to communicating with mobile app users. Personalization crosses over to a completely different way of interacting completely different from sending generalized communications which turn out to be very close to spamming.

As engaging the millennial user becomes tougher, creating an appeal does not remain as simple as customizations any more for mobile app development solutions. It turns into contextual experiences designed for the users keeping in mind their preferences derived from past experiences, current locations, time of the day and more. Personalization assures relevant & engaging user led experiences for the digitally native users, making them inseparable from their devices. Most enterprises see it as targeted advertising and many others strategize this as a way of increasing the comfort of the users to keep them engrossed systematically and build a long-term relationship by keeping the user interests alive.

Custom mobile app development companies devise newer methods to generate unique experiences, doing away with generalized user experiences. Altering user experiences to suit the taste of the user becomes the new challenge for all marketing tactics. This sure is the most dependable way to keep up competition in overcrowded app stores.

Read More @ Benefits of Personalizing the Mobile Apps

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Hitting the Bull’s Eye with Beacons Based Retargeting!!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

The world of the tiny beacons & ibeacons grabbing attention & enticing patrons, expands to become larger than life with the acumen of beacon app development companies. With Internet of Things becoming the way of doing things, beacons settle in as the indispensable tech tools working continuously & discretely for almost all segments including marketing. The world of marketing, on the other hand relies extensively on technology, especially in the retail sector where there is a great importance in retaining customers to promote a brand to bring in value to businesses. Intriguing researches state that the drivers for digital marketing & commerce in the physical as well as digital worlds is largely technology.

Retargeting refers to remembering a potential customer’s preferences using technology and then pushing contextual ads nudging the customer to make a possible purchase. This method of marketing opens up several avenues in the retail sector, more so because of the omnichannel marketing strategy most enterprises have adopted in recent years.

Inspite of all the smart solutions derived with the help of the beacons, data privacy is indeed a precaution to be taken with this new age tech. It is evident that beacons & ibeacons App Development will continue to disrupt the retail ecosystems & their approaches to marketing drastically.

Read more @ Beacon Based Retargeting