Wednesday 6 September 2017

Hitting the Bull’s Eye with Beacons Based Retargeting!!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

The world of the tiny beacons & ibeacons grabbing attention & enticing patrons, expands to become larger than life with the acumen of beacon app development companies. With Internet of Things becoming the way of doing things, beacons settle in as the indispensable tech tools working continuously & discretely for almost all segments including marketing. The world of marketing, on the other hand relies extensively on technology, especially in the retail sector where there is a great importance in retaining customers to promote a brand to bring in value to businesses. Intriguing researches state that the drivers for digital marketing & commerce in the physical as well as digital worlds is largely technology.

Retargeting refers to remembering a potential customer’s preferences using technology and then pushing contextual ads nudging the customer to make a possible purchase. This method of marketing opens up several avenues in the retail sector, more so because of the omnichannel marketing strategy most enterprises have adopted in recent years.

Inspite of all the smart solutions derived with the help of the beacons, data privacy is indeed a precaution to be taken with this new age tech. It is evident that beacons & ibeacons App Development will continue to disrupt the retail ecosystems & their approaches to marketing drastically.

Read more @ Beacon Based Retargeting

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