Tuesday 24 October 2017

Cloud Computing – The Most Suitable Pill for a Fit Healthcare Industry

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

As simple as its name and as useful as its features, cloud computing has been omnipresent in almost all fraternities today, healthcare being one of them. The cloud computing has carved a niche for itself and has begun to transform the face of the healthcare units, becoming an important tool for the industry. Cloud Application Development is all set to rule today and tomorrow. Providing its users a massive amount of storage and computing power, the cloud is bent upon augmenting business results all over the healthcare units.

Healthcare units have opted for cloud computing all over the globe, witnessing the benefits and value addition that it offers to the industry. No doubt, there has to be a certain level of precautions taken considering the sensitivity that adjoins the industry in terms of patient safety and cure along with the competence and efficacy of the treatment and care being taken. If done with a proper guideline, Cloud App Development is all set to bring a smooth and swift transformation for the healthcare sector, keeping in purview the different service delivery models – PaaS, IaaS and SaaS and the varied cloud deployment models – Private, Public and Hybrid. All these put together prove instrumental in garnering the success behind cloud implementation in the industry.

Read More @ The Healthcare Industry Gets Healthier after Getting Injected with Cloud Computing

Business Intelligence – A Power Booster to FinTech – Sooner the Better

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

"Technological innovations will be the heart and blood of the banking industry for many years to come and if big banks do not make the most of it, the new players from FinTech and large technology companies surely will" – David Brear.

FinTech is getting recognized and competitive day by day. You will find most financial and banking institutions going in for financial technological solution. The primary reason being financial and banking institutions are now looking forward to a great growth spurt and most of them have well defined lavish budgets to imbibe IT solutions and build a large infrastructure. It is now almost mandatory to adapt to FinTech and hence getting the best out of it is eventual. Extracting the optimum of these solutions is what leads the business to success, profitability and productivity. And, one of the major sources to get this done is none other than the most popular and in-demand technology today – Business Intelligence. Though Business Intelligence Services have been a part and parcel of major business domains, it still has not been entirely utilized for FinTech, hence, there is a large avenue open for those who are ready to get it done right away. There is a sure shot competitive edge they will have over others, who are still in the thought process of how to make their FinTech solution work. Enterprise Digitization is on a success wave, today and tomorrow.

As an amalgamation of two power houses – Finance and Technology, FinTech enjoys the status of being most sought-after in the IT world. The major USP that differentiates this from other technological areas is that the Finance and banking sector is anyways based on a large amount of information transfer between entities and to facilitate and leverage that process, the financial solutions are the best possible medium. This is why there is this special term called FinTech whereas technology has been making its presence grounded in each and every fraternity. Business Intelligence Solutions acts as a power booster to enhance the financial services and solutions by garnering a larger amount of information, technology trends and reports in a wide range of visually appealing dashboards / reports and newer technologies like Predictive Analytics and Self Service BI that serves information in the best possible way. Value adding to it is the seamless integration of BI with the hi-tech technology moves of today like IoT, Payment Integration, Cloud based services, Enterprise Mobility, eCommerce to name a few.

Read More @ Progress and More Progress – BI Provides a Positive Thrust to FinTech

Monday 23 October 2017

Foolproof Enterprise Apps, Success Guaranteed!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

When enterprise software & the apps in the ecosystem, lose to strike a chord with the audience, it could lead to nothing short of a catastrophe. Poorly executed enterprise software ends up challenging the sustainability of the enterprise in question. Enterprise software development companies remain in sync with the user expectations to keep adapting technology to the changing needs of the millennial age.

Today the approaches for enterprise apps already include IoT for a larger than life ecosystem, the Cloud for sustainable infrastructure & services, Analytics for purposeful insights, Proximity based solutions like the beacons to grab attention and Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality for immersive experiences as a second skin of the enterprise. The world is already talking about Artificial Intelligence and Mixed Reality as the next big step.

There is no way then that the enterprises afford a failure of any sorts in the enterprise software landscapes for the apps, especially since the app-less approach could also be turning mainstream

Read more @ Get Guaranteed Success with Enterprise Applications

Monday 16 October 2017

Designing for Mobility, A Game That Never Ends!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Technology changes at a much faster pace than mobility app development fathoms. The quickly changing device landscapes and the continuous additions of complexities & parameters puts the meaning of mobility in a completely different perspective and definitely does not remain restricted to only mobile phones. Engaging the millennials is much more than simply the mobile phones. Tools, frameworks and different methodologies needed to design various apps keeps on changing every passing day, assuming different forms altogether. The millennial day designer focuses more on diverse mobility rather than only smartphones to adapt continuously & completely.

The primary forms of channels of communications & digital interactions change too. Mobility becomes the center stage of all enterprise solutions & apps binding diverse processes together & improving communications between all stakeholders of the enterprise, right from the employees, partners to of course the customers.

The future of user experiences heralds intriguing concepts like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality & Mixed Reality as well as screenless user interfaces too. Mobile app user experience design services remain geared to combat these.

Read More @ The Changing Approaches to Designing for Mobile Devices

Thursday 5 October 2017

How to Ease Out the Technology Build in Startup IT Solutions?

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

All thanks to a constant revolutionary wave of innovation and change, the modern day globe is witnessing a technological move with umpteen new opportunities coming in and bringing in technology to power, in almost all fraternities, irrespective of geography, domain or size of the industry. To have a new technology take over is a tough task. It needs its own chunk of acceptance, training, implementation, risk assessment, budget monitoring, security controls, customer satisfaction and what not. And, when we talk about startups embracing a new technology, the tough gets tougher. Startup IT solutions already have their own stock of unforeseen challenges and profitmaking restraints their way, which they need to overcome in order to be successful. Now, with the newer technologies peeping in, there is a dual set of novel learning that has to be adapted by the stakeholders. They need to follow a certain set of guidelines to ensure a smooth and successful startup. But once done with grit and determination, it is like icing on the cake. Today, there are many entrepreneurs who have accepted the challenging task if embedding the latest technologies along with their startup venture in order to bring in the best of profitability, efficiency and productivity.

As is, India has been breathing the vision of their very ambitious Hon. Prime Minister – the ‘Startup India’ movement, which has created a magical motivation amongst youngsters today, encouraging them to go in for startups in various fields, with full support from the government in terms of funds, implementation, resources and much more. This is sure to grow and boost our nation’s economy and business multifold and we will be proud to be a citizen of a developed nation in the coming years. As we witness Startup IT consulting has been playing a major role in helping startups build their business and avoid the usual failure, risks, cost cutting upheavals that come their way in the beginning. These consulting firms have been playing the role of a facilitator for the newcomers providing them required assistance in whatsoever area they need – getting finances, procuring needed technology, garnering requisite technical knowledge and so on.

Read more @ When the Tough Gets Tougher – Building Startup IT Solutions

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Mobile Apps for the SMEs A Little Imagination, A Little Innovation

This blog was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Trending technologies lead the world on to the fingertips of all. Business processes made available online help enterprises transact & sustain in the easiest and the most efficient of ways. Specific mobile devices are leaving behind the computers & put every possible collaboration & process execution only a tap away. A growing number of enterprises adapt to technology & bring in enterprise mobility into their fold. SMEs though started off quite reluctantly, integrate mobile apps into the solutions that support their functions with suitable direction from mobile application development companies.

Development of the mobile apps based on the need of target audience as well as meeting their expectations is the mantra for success for the SMEs today. Creation of these mobile apps becomes instrumental in boosting the scale & standards of business. With a comprehensive understanding of the markets as well as the outlooks of the users, SMEs adapt technology like never before to design effective processes leading to wider opportunities.

And all the apps need is just a little imagination and a little innovation by the application development companies.

Read more @ Business Mobile Apps for SMEs