Monday 16 October 2017

Designing for Mobility, A Game That Never Ends!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Technology changes at a much faster pace than mobility app development fathoms. The quickly changing device landscapes and the continuous additions of complexities & parameters puts the meaning of mobility in a completely different perspective and definitely does not remain restricted to only mobile phones. Engaging the millennials is much more than simply the mobile phones. Tools, frameworks and different methodologies needed to design various apps keeps on changing every passing day, assuming different forms altogether. The millennial day designer focuses more on diverse mobility rather than only smartphones to adapt continuously & completely.

The primary forms of channels of communications & digital interactions change too. Mobility becomes the center stage of all enterprise solutions & apps binding diverse processes together & improving communications between all stakeholders of the enterprise, right from the employees, partners to of course the customers.

The future of user experiences heralds intriguing concepts like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality & Mixed Reality as well as screenless user interfaces too. Mobile app user experience design services remain geared to combat these.

Read More @ The Changing Approaches to Designing for Mobile Devices

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