Monday 30 April 2018

GDPR – Changing the Face of Data Protection in IT Outsourcing

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Data security and privacy rights have been a burning concern over the years now. With technology booming each day, the significance of having secured data has increased exponentially. There have been laws and policies defined globally to protect the integrity of data as far as possible. There have been initiatives like the data protection drive implemented in the late 1990s, in the European region. But since almost the last two decades, there has been a thriving rush of data-driven technologies that encourage individuals to provide their personal information to a large extent, to external systems.

Keeping in mind a wider and in-depth outlook, the European Union (EU) is all set to implement a highly stringent set of global rules and regulations to protect and secure the personal data of citizens through General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards. This directly implies that any organization that handles data of citizens of the European Union will have to abide strictly by the GDPR norms. About to be implemented in the latter half of May 2018, this data protection act will not only affect European markets but will be globally applicable to all those who are handling personal information of EU citizens. It will offer businesses a transparent legal structure and safeguard personal data against misuse and theft.

General Data Protection Regulation – A Glimpse of What It Is

Replacing the existing EU’s data protection directive, the GDPR is a dictate by the EU to guarantee the security of citizens’ personal information, all set to roll on the 25th of May 2018. Organizations will have to strictly follow a certain set of initiatives – technical as well as organizational to protect privacy rights. Not only that, organizations are supposed to keep data security as a prime component while implementing any procedure. In case of a data breach due to non-adherence, there would be financial penalties imposed, up to Euro 20 million or up to 4% of Global annual revenue whichever is higher. Under GDPR, organizations will have to keep security teams in charge, accountable for safeguarding all information connected to people.

Read more on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) @

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