Tuesday 26 December 2017

Thanks to Enterprise Mobility Solutions Happy Employees Happy Customers Successful Company

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Employees are a company’s greatest asset – They’re your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company’s mission.” – Anne Mulcahy

Any organization, any segment and any geography – any employee who is productively and creatively engaged are sure to work wonders as compared to those who are not. With an enterprise having actively engaged employees, the customer loyalty quotient is much higher and chances of garnering more business are also on a higher ratio.In a similar fashion, a low lying employee engagement ratio may lead to a poor customer retention quotient. Hence, the crux of a successful business lies in, undoubtedly, keeping your employees happy, engaged and empowered. And, when we talk of a technology that not only empowers, it engages, entices and enriches – it is none other than our very own mobile-based technology that has already penetrated deep into our lives, almost stuck to our day and night. A worthy mobile app experience can entice and engage its users. Employees, today, are in search of access to real-time, instant and detailed information, at one go through Enterprise Mobility Solutions.

Read more @ https://www.spec-india.com/blog/thanks-enterprise-mobility-solutions-happy-employees-happy-customers-successful-company/

React Native, A New Flavor of Javascripting for Cross platform Mobile App Development

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Javascript evolves and adapts like no other programming language. Designed to be lean & agile, this offshoot of Java though started as a client-side flavor of Java now evolves into a full stack with the ever-growing options like AngularJS, React and Node.js to mention a few.

And React Native offshoots from React to cater to native,hybrid & cross platform mobile app development!

React Native is a framework that allows developers & enterprises build Javascript-only mobile applications. The design framework is effectively the same as React, empowering developers reuse declarative components to build beautiful mobile interfaces. React Native is revolutionary in the sense that application design is extremely fast. App reload is pretty much instant, and hot reloading ensures that new code can be deployed without refreshing the application.

React Native ensures that developers are utilizing ground level user interface foundation blocks similar to normal Android or iOS apps. Application design is reused across the platform as developers need not write different code for iOS & Android. A complete cross platform mobile app development using React Native is almost similar, virtually indistinguishable from an application that is designed in JAVA or Objective-C.

Read more @ https://www.spec-india.com/blog/react-nativea-new-flavor-javascripting-cross-platform-mobile-app-development/

Business Analytics Solutions, The Pulse of Intelligent Retailing!!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Customer expectations & experiences offered to users across the channels remain on the top of the priority list for Retailers across the globe. When strategized methodically with the help of a combination of contemporary technologies like Business Intelligence services& Analytics, IoT, sensor-based solutions like the Beacons, Social Media, Apps, the Cloud and more, Retailers have no looking back.

Sustainable lifecycles of retail processes for all major players globally, integrate business intelligence &data analytics effectively into the processes.This includes sales forecasting, demand projection with predictive simulation, customer heat-mapping, product placement optimization as well as keeping a tab on the emerging products topping the popularity charts.

Read more @ https://www.spec-india.com/blog/business-analytics-solutions-pulse-intelligent-retailing/

Why Is ASP .NET Development Services the Most Favoured Choice of Developers Today?

This post was originally published in SPEC INDIA's Blog

Microsoft has always been a pioneer in offering dynamic, flexible and secure technology solutions to the globe. Always bundled with all-inclusive, compliant and integrated products, frameworks, architectures, servers, languages – all put together, Microsoft is for all. Microsoft has strived hard to offer the most modern technology support to the community one of which is, Microsoft’s cloud first, mobile first strategy, which is all about looking forward. And to top the list of Microsoft wonders comes ASP .NET Development Services. The ever-increasing popularity of ASP .NET needs no mention and thanks to its salient features and the powerful giant supporting it, it has been a developer’s delight since years, continues to rule their hearts and brains till date and will continue to do so for years together. ASP .NET Application Development is one technology that has the competence of developing and implementing any sort of complex enterprise app. Microsoft .NET unleashes the true potential of Enterprise App Development and that is why, unquestionably, it has been leading on the top as the perfect choice for software service providers.

Read more @ https://www.spec-india.com/blog/asp-net-development-services-favoured-choice-developers-today/

Saturday 23 December 2017

Docker the Container Technology for Java All Questions Answered!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA Blog

Too much has been discussed & heard about containers, virtualization and Dockers. So, if you are a programming geek, you already know what we are talking about and if you are the one who calls the shots, you better know what this is all about!

So, then let’s start with asking questions right away about Docker for java application development services & more!

Containers ensure that all software run appropriately when moved between various computing environments like development, testing, staging and production. It could also mean software moving from premise to Cloud or even onto virtual machines.

And containers in short assure that the Java Development Menu remains Hot & Refreshing All Through the Years!

For more visit https://www.spec-india.com/blog/docker-the-container-technology-for-java-all-questions-answered/

Cloud Migration Services Supporting Almost Everything as A Service!!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA Blog

Not a disruptor anymore, the Cloud becomes inevitable in the modern-day technology landscapes offering almost Everything as a Service, better known as X as a Service.

Infrastructure, platform & software flexibility, affordable models and high availability are continually contributing to increase in popularity of Cloud. On-premise infrastructure is not going to be obsolete overnight, but the edge that Cloud has is clearly visible. Today, most enterprises involved in software & tools development are making their offerings available over the Cloud. Undoubtedly, Cloud has played a game changing role when it comes to cost optimization, scalability and service management complexity.

The next-gen growth within Cloud is being driven by the concept of “X as a service”. The traditional IaaS, PaaS, SaaS Cloud offerings have now diversified into multiple areas, such as storage-as-a-service, database-as-a-service, communications-as-a-service to name a few. The underlying principle is to deliver any form of service using the internet to target users with intuitive cloud app development services. In fact, comprehensive infrastructure & application monitoring as a service can also be procured with the Cloud.

For more visit https://www.spec-india.com/blog/cloud-migration-services-supporting-almost-everything-as-a-service/

Internet of Things, The Big Influencer for Millennial Mobile Apps!!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA Blog

The internet of things blends in almost every place imaginable & unimaginable maturing fast since its early days when it started a marked disruption of sorts, integrating technology into human lives seamlessly & effortlessly so. IoT touches lives everywhere; across enterprises, homes, schools & colleges, hospitals, stores; everywhere. As conceptualized by mobile app development companies, the big technologies; Sensors, Analytics, Cloud, Social Media, Internet and more nurture every bit that makes up IoT.

Practical & easy to use wearables & mobiles emerge as the driving force behind IoT, evidently making IoT a reality sooner than otherwise it would have been.

IoT touches almost every industry perceivable bringing in revolutionary changes with constant communications, insights and intelligence. With new additions to the technology landscape driven by IoT every passing moment, the IoT roadmap as predicted could easily be one of the most promising ones today.

For more Visit https://www.spec-india.com/blog/internet-things-big-influencer-millennial-mobile-apps/