Tuesday 26 December 2017

React Native, A New Flavor of Javascripting for Cross platform Mobile App Development

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Javascript evolves and adapts like no other programming language. Designed to be lean & agile, this offshoot of Java though started as a client-side flavor of Java now evolves into a full stack with the ever-growing options like AngularJS, React and Node.js to mention a few.

And React Native offshoots from React to cater to native,hybrid & cross platform mobile app development!

React Native is a framework that allows developers & enterprises build Javascript-only mobile applications. The design framework is effectively the same as React, empowering developers reuse declarative components to build beautiful mobile interfaces. React Native is revolutionary in the sense that application design is extremely fast. App reload is pretty much instant, and hot reloading ensures that new code can be deployed without refreshing the application.

React Native ensures that developers are utilizing ground level user interface foundation blocks similar to normal Android or iOS apps. Application design is reused across the platform as developers need not write different code for iOS & Android. A complete cross platform mobile app development using React Native is almost similar, virtually indistinguishable from an application that is designed in JAVA or Objective-C.

Read more @ https://www.spec-india.com/blog/react-nativea-new-flavor-javascripting-cross-platform-mobile-app-development/

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