Saturday 23 December 2017

Cloud Migration Services Supporting Almost Everything as A Service!!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA Blog

Not a disruptor anymore, the Cloud becomes inevitable in the modern-day technology landscapes offering almost Everything as a Service, better known as X as a Service.

Infrastructure, platform & software flexibility, affordable models and high availability are continually contributing to increase in popularity of Cloud. On-premise infrastructure is not going to be obsolete overnight, but the edge that Cloud has is clearly visible. Today, most enterprises involved in software & tools development are making their offerings available over the Cloud. Undoubtedly, Cloud has played a game changing role when it comes to cost optimization, scalability and service management complexity.

The next-gen growth within Cloud is being driven by the concept of “X as a service”. The traditional IaaS, PaaS, SaaS Cloud offerings have now diversified into multiple areas, such as storage-as-a-service, database-as-a-service, communications-as-a-service to name a few. The underlying principle is to deliver any form of service using the internet to target users with intuitive cloud app development services. In fact, comprehensive infrastructure & application monitoring as a service can also be procured with the Cloud.

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