Thursday 30 November 2017

Custom Software Development – An Impeccable Methodology to a Unified & Lucrative Client Experience

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA Blog

The terminology that tops the business charts today is ‘Customer Experience’ (CX). It has surpassed the popularity charts of earlier terms like customer satisfaction, business management, corporate strategy, customer loyalty, customer happiness etc. Some ways, it feels like a unified version of all of these and sometimes, it looks a unique version standing apart from the rest. However, CX has been on the top list while searching for parameters to measure the business efficiency. The major crux lies in analysing and extracting the exact meaning of the same and how to achieve the goal. What CX indicates is the output that the client experiences while using the overall quality of products and services that are available.

Looking at technology running leaps and bounds in the business arena, the most sought after solution is Custom Software Development whatsoever may be the domain, geography or segment. In the end, what you look for is complete trust and loyalty from your customer and if you really want that, you need to offer them the most superior quality products that gets them nearer to technology very smoothly. Custom Software Solutions are the best route to grasping what your customer needs and converting their wants into an achievable solution, thereby directly hitting the profit charts high and consistent. Say for example, the most modern techniques like Business Intelligence have been offering the most beneficial client experience.

Though the entire scenario looks very simple and straightforward, there is a challenging angle to it that offers certain roadblocks and hassles that need a solution to move forward.

Read more @ Custom Software Solutions – Offer your Client the Right Information at the Right Time with the Right Process

Thursday 23 November 2017

Why does an Ideal Custom Software Development Company Value Customer Inputs to Such a Large Extent?

"Ask your customers to be part of the solution, and don’t views them as part of the problem" – Alan Weiss

Custom Software Development Companies are attempting to mint success with their software solutions getting implemented at disparate fraternities with a variety of sizes, experience and domain. Finding out the best suitable service provider, using the best of technologies, working out the most modern project execution methodology, planning perfect implementation schedules – all these steps are done perfectly by service providers but then why do certain solutions fail to succeed and attract customer focus?

In today’s competitive world, custom software solutions have a lot of challenges to face and at that time, the very fundamental reason to the solutions not hitting the target is the absence of involvement of the customer teams at each phase of the project. Right from start till the implementation, at each and every phase of the project, the necessary customer teams should be allotted time and discussions should keep on happening at all stages so that both the customer and the vendor are in sync and that leads to a seamless movement in the project. Yes, it may require a certain amount of extra time and effort than the original plan, but then it is worth it. Otherwise, the custom software is sure to land up into trouble.

Why is Customer Participation an Important Aspect for Custom Software Development Companies?

"It’s important to think of every customer as an online celebrity with followers, friends & above all, influence" – Dave Kerpen

  • Sharing of Sufficient Requirements

Even though sharing of requirements is always an understated thing, the crux lies in till what extent is the customer sharing information with the service provider. There could be different types of business need collection – some in which customer interviews are taken and requirements are jotted down, some in which there is a proper documentation of business needs available and some in which there is sufficient business study done but the customer analyses that and adds on top of it right in the beginning. Though time consuming and tedious, this combination is the best to happen and ensure the right mix of needs that will mostly not vary of change with time.

  • Getting Interpretations All the While

Sometimes, service providers have the illusion of asking questions and getting answers only during their initial days. Once requirements are laid down and stated, there were no questions being raised at all and finally, at the end, because a few questions remained unanswered, the entire project had to face the consequences. Instead, today, the new age solution provider have adapted the method of asking questions all the while, not only during analysis phase. Because of this modern day approach, the customer is your prime input all the while and there is no single input you would like to miss. Keeping continuously in touch lets you manage the client efficiently and effectively.

  • Thorough Review of User Documentation

Owing to burden and boredom, usually documentation takes a back seat which is a very wrong approach. Usually at each stage, as soon as the custom software solution provider gives a documentation which could either be technical or user driven, should be checked by the customer team, without any whims and fancies and later should be mapped to the requirement stated by the stakeholders. One of the prime reasons customer should be included is that the team also starts accepting the vendor as a part of the whole and holds a strong bond of trust with them.

  • Assessment of Costing and Progress

Even though the project managers are supposed to assess the budget schedules, costing methods, progress of solution, hindrances coming in between, likely dates of deliverables – everything under the roof, it is always wise to involve the customer in each and every step. In fact, there should be a core committee at both ends, responsible for all activities that fall under the project, working hands in hands with each other right from the inception phase till the implementation side.

  • Risk Assessment & Mitigation

In order to deliver software solutions par excellence, it is better to play safe on both the sides – on the customer’s as well as on the solution providers. Risks may occur anytime, anywhere, anyplace. The project team tries its best to identify risks and prepare mitigation plans for them but after all, they are not the ones to actually face them. The customer is the right person to come up with the risk assessment and mitigation plan, in coordination with the project team, of course. Engagement of the customer right from the start in assessing risks proves to be fruitful for the health of the entire project. After all, they are the primary owners of the custom software solution once it is kicked off and implemented.

"It’s important to listen to your customers so that you know their wants and needs. Closing our months and opening our ears is the first step in building lasting customer relationships." – John Di Lemme

As a leading Custom Software Development Company in India, our skilled software resources have been implementing consistent and sustained custom software solutions in India, with a multilayered range of services, in vivid technologies that can give your organization the best of business efficiency and effectiveness. Our Custom Software Development solutions have been successfully implemented across a wide range of enterprise clientele, all around the globe.

We, as IT partners of our clients, recommend an extremely competent, prepared & proficient resource pool, qualified by technology experts’ viz. Microsoft, Oracle, Pentaho, PMI. Our contemporary project management procedures, supple engagement models, infrastructure setup, well-defined security policies and knowledge management methods provide us an edge above the others. Supplementing resources with slightest lead time is our strength, with India being a hub for IT technical resource competency.

Request for a Free POC to test drive our Custom Software Development Services.

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Custom Software Solutions – Challenges to Face & Corresponding Solutions to Succeed

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

Custom Software Development has always been a powerful opportunity majorly because the key highlight is that our customers tell us what they need, how they want it and it also creates a large amount of customer confidence as they are the ones to select, test and evaluate. As simple and powerful as it looks, there is a flip side to it too. Not all that glitters is gold and even in this case, it is not that easy to build a custom software solution that is exactly as per your customer’s needs. Custom software development companies are bent upon attracting clients showcasing their ability to fulfil all client demands and finally resulting into a software that doesn’t even match up to half of what the client needed.

One of the most critical decisions that plays the most significant role as soon as the client decides on going in for custom software is choosing the right vendor, who possesses expertise in delivering software solutions par excellence. In today’s fast moving technological world, newer tools & technologies are entering every other day and it is up to the service provider’s ability on how fast and effectively they are able to embed those into the custom software solutions.

When we talk about custom software, it includes an array of software services which need equivalent focus & proficiency right from the beginning of the project. Say, the future of IT lies in Cloud Application Development and hence while going in for customized solution, a proper look through has to be given to it.

Read More @ 5 Key Challenges While Developing Custom Software Solutions & How to Overcome Them

Android App Development with Kotlin – Heralding the Future!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

A novel, open source language for contemporary, multiplatform applications that is creating news – Kotlin is based on JVM and has been introduced as the supported language for Android. Isn’t that a great news? For developers involved in Android App Development, it certainly is. This statically typed programming language has been an innovative find by JetBrains programmers from Russia and that is where the name comes from – the name of an island close to their home place in Russia. Kotlin comes with high class Android Support Studio. In the annual Google I/O 2017, it had been announced as the first class language for Android. This gave a big boost to the users of Kotlin, increasing almost multifold and that was it, Kotlin never had to look back for its acceptance. Since then, there is an increasing number of Android developers who are enjoying the Kotlin programming and making the best Android apps with its assistance. Ranging from new startup companies to huge conglomerates, developers are choosing Kotlin as their primary programming language, since they are finding it much easier, simplified, productivity oriented and efficient.

Read More @ Kotlin for Android – Happy & Excited Developers Leveraging its Potential

Monday 20 November 2017

How Enterprise Mobility Solutions Driving Profitable Growth in the Construction Industry?

“Your mobile device quickly has become the easiest portal into your digital self” – Phil Nickinson.
Enterprise Mobility Solutions have been ruling the globe now as mobile devices become an indispensable ingredient into everyone’s existence. There are numerous solutions that offer the best amalgamation of expertise, profitability and productivity to enterprises, leaving behind gray areas like inadequate and improper communication between stakeholders, inappropriate information gathering and reporting to name a few. It’s a mobile connected world after all!!! Almost all enterprises are leveraging the potential of the mobile devices by having their employees, customers, dealers, management, IT connected with each other.  Enterprise mobile apps are bringing a paradigm shift in industries for the superior and one of the industries that is extracting the best output is the Construction Industry.

A large working base, lots of employees spread out geographically, huge bulk of information passing on between stakeholders, need for record keeping & real-time information, higher inventory management and security focus – these are some of the highlights which make the construction industry one of the most booming fraternity today. All state-of-the-art tools and technologies are being welcomed with open arms e.g. Big Data Solutions have been providing a powerful thrust to the construction industry. And that calls for the extreme need for Enterprise Mobility Services which can provide value addition in terms of easy & active management of processes, employees and information, making the life of managers, architects and engineers easy, productive and flexible.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Defining Precise KPIs – The Key to Successful Business Intelligence Services

“If it cannot be measured, it cannot be managed” – Peter Drucker.
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) have turned out to be the best mechanism to measure and manage business – be it any geography, industry or domain. It is a known fact that garnering success without measurement of activities isn’t feasible at all. Even when it comes to matching up with organizational goals, comparing with peer business stakeholders, having new clients, retaining old ones and much more, the best way to ensure achieving the optimum level is to extract the KPIs relevant to the organization, its goals, its requirements and its customer history.
When it comes to measuring performance and achievements, related with one of the power packed technologies today – Business Intelligence Services, defining best possible KPIs and measuring relative business analytical information is the optimal way to ensure a successful run of the same. Business Intelligence has proven to be a power booster to trending domains like Fintech, proving its mettle with its data analytics and visually appealing dashboards / reports. And hence, with vital performance indicator areas, identification and extraction of the best of KPIs is an essential ingredient in the success of the multiple activities related to BI solutions. No doubt, depending upon the domain and area of expertise, the key performance indicators that need to be measured to ensure an up and running BI setup may differ and change accordingly. But if your commitment is very much towards an insightful decision based solution, getting the most accurate KPIs is a must. If your output is well defined, coming up the most accurate set of KPIs becomes a tad easier as compared to having an aimless path to define the same.

Tuesday 14 November 2017

What’s new in iOS 11.2 beta 3? Hands-on with changes and features [Video]

This post was originally published here
Earlier today Apple released iOS 11.2 beta 3 to developers. Unlike the previous update, which featured new wallpaper and the beta rollout of Apple Pay Cash, there aren’t as many user-facing features and changes this time around. However, there is one new change that is bound to spark conversation — the presence of a new Control Center indicator on the Lock screen.
Changes/features covered in this video
  • New message explaining Wi-Fi Control Center toggle
  • Wi-Fi toggle now white when disconnected
  • New message explaining Bluetooth Control Center toggle
  • Bluetooth toggle now white when disconnected
  • New Control Center Lock screen underline indicator in upper right-hand corner
There may be additional features included in iOS 11.2 beta 3, but these are the ones that we’ve identified thus far. We’ve put together a brief video to showcase the some of the new adjustments in beta 3, which you can watch below.

What’s New & What’s Not! iOS 11

What seems like light years ago was the vision of a man we lost a little too early. One wonders what would he have planned to unveil this summer at the WWDC2017 conducted of course by Tim Cook. iPod, an idea triggered by seeing his daughter use the same bulky device to store her music year on year did set the ball rolling for personal devices decades ago.

And the rest is history for iOS application development.

Monday 13 November 2017

8 Ways Your Android App Can Leak Memory

One advantage of a garbage-collecting-language like Java is that it removes the need for developers to explicitly manage allocated memory. This reduces the likelihood of a segmentation fault crashing the app or an unfreed memory allocation bloating the heap, thus creating safer code. Unfortunately, there are other ways that memory can be leaked logically within Java. Ultimately, this means that your Android apps are still susceptible to wasting unnecessary memory and crashing as a result of out-of-memory (OOM) errors.

Traditional memory leaks occur when you neglect to free allocated memory before all related references go out of scope. Logical memory leaks, on the other hand, are the result of forgetting to release references to objects that are no longer needed in your app. If a strong reference to an object still exists, the garbage collector cannot remove the object from memory. This is particularly problematic in Android development if you happen to leak a Context. This is because Contexts such as Activities contain many references to large amounts of memory, i.e. view hierarchies and other resources. If you leak a Context, you are also leaking everything that it points to. Android mostly runs on mobile devices with limited memory capacity so it’s very likely for your app to run out of available memory if too many leaks take place.

Detecting logical memory leaks would be a subjective matter if the useful lifespan of an object were not clearly defined. Thankfully, activities have very explicitly defined lifecycles that reveal the point at which we can easily consider an instance of an Activity object to have been leaked.The onDestroy() method of an Activity is called at end-of-life and indicates that it is being destroyed either through programmer intention or because Android needs to recuperate some memory. If this method completes but the Activity instance can be reached by a chain of strong references from a heap root, then the garbage collector cannot mark it for removal from memory - despite the original intention to delete it. As a result, we can define a leaked Activity object as one that persists beyond its natural lifecycle.

Activities are very hefty objects, so you should never choose to defy the Android framework’s handling of them. However, there are ways that an Activity instance can become unintentionally leaked. In Android, all of the pitfalls that lead to potential memory leaks revolve around two fundamental situations. The first memory-leak-category is caused by a process-global static object that exists regardless of the app’s state and maintains a chain of references to the Activity. The other category is caused when a thread that outlasts the Activity’s lifetime neglects to clear a strong reference chain to that Activity. Let’s examine a few different ways that you might come across these situations.

1. Static Activities

The easiest way to leak an Activity is by defining a static variable inside the class definition of the Activity and then setting it to the running instance of that Activity. If this reference is not cleared before the Activity’s lifecycle completes, the Activity will be leaked. This is because the object representing the class of the Activity (i.e., MainActivity) is static and remains loaded in memory for the entire runtime of the app. If this class object holds a reference to your Activity instance, it therefore won’t be eligible for garbage collection.

2. Static Views

A similar situation would be implementing a singleton pattern where an activity might be visited often and it would be beneficial to keep the instance loaded in memory so that it can be restored quickly. However, for reasons stated before, defying the defined lifecycle of an Activity and persisting it in memory is an extremely dangerous and unnecessary practice - and should be avoided at all costs.

But what if we have a particular View that takes a great deal of effort to instantiate but will remain unchanged across different lifetimes of the same Activity? Well then let’s make just that View static after instantiating it and attaching it to the View hierarchy like we do here. Now if our Activity is destroyed, we should be able to release most of its memory.

Wait, what? Surely you knew that an attached View will maintain a reference to its Context, which, in this case, is our Activity. By making a static reference to the View, we’ve created a persistent reference chain to our Activity and leaked it. Don’t make attached Views static and if you must, at least detach them from the View hierarchy at some point before the Activity completes.

3. Inner Classes

Moving on, let’s say we define a class inside the definition of our Activity’s class, known as an Inner Class. The programmer may choose to do this for a number of reasons including increasing readability and encapsulation. What if we create an instance of this Inner Class and maintain a static reference to it? At this point you might as well just guess that a memory leak is imminent.

Unfortunately because one of the benefits of Inner Class instances is that they have access to their Outer Class’s variables, they must maintain a reference to the Outer Class’s instance which causes our Activity to be leaked.

4. Anonymous Classes

Similarly, Anonymous Classes will also maintain a reference to the class that they were declared inside. Therefore a leak can occur if you declare and instantiate an AsyncTask anonymously inside your Activity. If it continues to perform background work after the Activity has been destroyed, the reference to the Activity will persist and it won’t be garbage collected until after the background task completes.

5. Handlers

The very same principle applies to background tasks declared anonymously by a Runnable object and queued up for execution by a Handler object. The Runnable object will implicitly reference the Activity it was declared in and will then be posted as a Message on the Handler’s MessageQueue. As long as the message hasn’t been handled before the Activity is destroyed, the chain of references will keep the Activity live in memory and will cause a leak.

6. Threads

We can repeat this same mistake again with both the Thread and TimerTask classes.

7. Timer Tasks
As long as they are declared and instantiated anonymously, despite the work occurring in a separate thread, they will persist a reference chain to the Activity after it has been destroyed and will yet again cause a leak.

8. Sensor Manager

Finally, there are system services that can be retrieved by a Context with a call to getSystemService. These Services run in their own processes and assist applications by performing some sort of background work or interfacing to the device’s hardware capabilities. If the Context want to be notified every time an event occurs inside a Service, it needs to register itself as a listener. However, this will cause the Service to maintain a reference to the Activity, and if the programmer neglects to unregister the Activity as a listener before the Activity is destroyed it will be ineligible for garbage collection and leak will occur.

Now that you’ve seen an array of various memory leaks you can see just how easy it is to accidentally leak a massive amount of memory. Remember, although in the worst case this will cause your app to run out of memory and crash, it might not necessarily always do this. Instead, it can eat up a large but non-lethal amount of your app’s memory space. In this case, the app has less memory to allocate for other objects and thus your garbage collector will need to run more often to free up space for new objects. Garbage collection is a very expensive operation and will cause noticeable slowdown for the user. Stay aware of potential reference chains when instantiating objects in your Activities and test for memory leaks often!

This Post was originally published here :

Monday 6 November 2017

Transitioning Your Business from On-Premise Software to SaaS -A Smart Move

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

SaaS is the latest jargon today. No longer is it a technology not known to business enterprises. There is huge debate being faced by business owners whether to stick to the good old traditional on-premise software model or to move on to the latest cloud based technology – SaaS. Though it may look highly modern and attractive, transitioning to SaaS is not as easy as it look. It has its own set of teething issues and challenges to face, but if done in a systematic manner with a full proof thought process, it’s surely a nice catch. Today, increasing number of software development companies in USA have vouched for SaaS as their working model, even though they realize that there will be a certain amount of change in the functioning and working of the organization. SaaS, as a scalable cloud based solution has become the hot and popular choice amongst organizations, who have started giving up their traditional on-premise solution as against this.

Any day, anytime, change is tough to accept but in this era of enterprise digitization, there is nothing constant but change. Industry leaders & custom software development companies find it tough to move on to the cloud in the beginning, but are convinced to do so, looking at the advantages and flexibility that it offers in terms of time, efforts, costing and productivity. All technology giants have launched their own SaaS based models and they are all heavily being accepted in the industry. In order to deliver enterprise software solutions par excellence, it is a must to adapt to the changing times and technologies and be at par with the technology upgrades happening around.

Read more @ Change Brings Opportunities' – Businesses Move on to SaaS

How does Business Analytics Services Succeed in Garnering the Best of Personalized Customer Experience?

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

The goal is to turn data into information and information into insight” – Carly Fiorina.

While the globe goes gaga over Business Analytics Services and Data Analytics, it is equally important and a fact that the ‘someone’ who rules the business and has a strong foot hold over it is none other than the ‘Customer’. The customer today expects enhanced service criteria and personalized experience, not ready to compromise on quality or quantity of information. Even though there is a whole lot of data available with organizations, it isn’t feasible to portray that heaps of information into customer needed analytics without Data Analytics Services. Creating highly personalized and relevant customer experience becomes the goal of a robust and comprehensive solution, in this era of digitization. It does look like a tough job even though enterprises have so much data floating around, the reason behind lack of expertise in handling, storing and analyzing these heaps of information.

Business Intelligence has spread its wings all over, encompassing each fraternity, each geography and each solution. Today, Self Service BI acts as the best tool to serve the best of information your own way. Proven statistics have confirmed that BI Big Data Analytics Services are the apt mechanisms for organizations to handle their vast chunks of data, transform them into useful information and then analyze that information to provide the best of reports / dashboards that is needed by the customer, in a fraction of a second with the best of tools and technologies like Cloud BI, Power BI, Mobile BI, Predictive Analytics – to strengthen future business.

Read more @ Win Over your Customers with Data Analytics Services – A Step Ahead of the Rest