Wednesday 22 November 2017

Android App Development with Kotlin – Heralding the Future!

This post was originally published on SPEC INDIA's Blog

A novel, open source language for contemporary, multiplatform applications that is creating news – Kotlin is based on JVM and has been introduced as the supported language for Android. Isn’t that a great news? For developers involved in Android App Development, it certainly is. This statically typed programming language has been an innovative find by JetBrains programmers from Russia and that is where the name comes from – the name of an island close to their home place in Russia. Kotlin comes with high class Android Support Studio. In the annual Google I/O 2017, it had been announced as the first class language for Android. This gave a big boost to the users of Kotlin, increasing almost multifold and that was it, Kotlin never had to look back for its acceptance. Since then, there is an increasing number of Android developers who are enjoying the Kotlin programming and making the best Android apps with its assistance. Ranging from new startup companies to huge conglomerates, developers are choosing Kotlin as their primary programming language, since they are finding it much easier, simplified, productivity oriented and efficient.

Read More @ Kotlin for Android – Happy & Excited Developers Leveraging its Potential

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