Thursday 23 November 2017

Why does an Ideal Custom Software Development Company Value Customer Inputs to Such a Large Extent?

"Ask your customers to be part of the solution, and don’t views them as part of the problem" – Alan Weiss

Custom Software Development Companies are attempting to mint success with their software solutions getting implemented at disparate fraternities with a variety of sizes, experience and domain. Finding out the best suitable service provider, using the best of technologies, working out the most modern project execution methodology, planning perfect implementation schedules – all these steps are done perfectly by service providers but then why do certain solutions fail to succeed and attract customer focus?

In today’s competitive world, custom software solutions have a lot of challenges to face and at that time, the very fundamental reason to the solutions not hitting the target is the absence of involvement of the customer teams at each phase of the project. Right from start till the implementation, at each and every phase of the project, the necessary customer teams should be allotted time and discussions should keep on happening at all stages so that both the customer and the vendor are in sync and that leads to a seamless movement in the project. Yes, it may require a certain amount of extra time and effort than the original plan, but then it is worth it. Otherwise, the custom software is sure to land up into trouble.

Why is Customer Participation an Important Aspect for Custom Software Development Companies?

"It’s important to think of every customer as an online celebrity with followers, friends & above all, influence" – Dave Kerpen

  • Sharing of Sufficient Requirements

Even though sharing of requirements is always an understated thing, the crux lies in till what extent is the customer sharing information with the service provider. There could be different types of business need collection – some in which customer interviews are taken and requirements are jotted down, some in which there is a proper documentation of business needs available and some in which there is sufficient business study done but the customer analyses that and adds on top of it right in the beginning. Though time consuming and tedious, this combination is the best to happen and ensure the right mix of needs that will mostly not vary of change with time.

  • Getting Interpretations All the While

Sometimes, service providers have the illusion of asking questions and getting answers only during their initial days. Once requirements are laid down and stated, there were no questions being raised at all and finally, at the end, because a few questions remained unanswered, the entire project had to face the consequences. Instead, today, the new age solution provider have adapted the method of asking questions all the while, not only during analysis phase. Because of this modern day approach, the customer is your prime input all the while and there is no single input you would like to miss. Keeping continuously in touch lets you manage the client efficiently and effectively.

  • Thorough Review of User Documentation

Owing to burden and boredom, usually documentation takes a back seat which is a very wrong approach. Usually at each stage, as soon as the custom software solution provider gives a documentation which could either be technical or user driven, should be checked by the customer team, without any whims and fancies and later should be mapped to the requirement stated by the stakeholders. One of the prime reasons customer should be included is that the team also starts accepting the vendor as a part of the whole and holds a strong bond of trust with them.

  • Assessment of Costing and Progress

Even though the project managers are supposed to assess the budget schedules, costing methods, progress of solution, hindrances coming in between, likely dates of deliverables – everything under the roof, it is always wise to involve the customer in each and every step. In fact, there should be a core committee at both ends, responsible for all activities that fall under the project, working hands in hands with each other right from the inception phase till the implementation side.

  • Risk Assessment & Mitigation

In order to deliver software solutions par excellence, it is better to play safe on both the sides – on the customer’s as well as on the solution providers. Risks may occur anytime, anywhere, anyplace. The project team tries its best to identify risks and prepare mitigation plans for them but after all, they are not the ones to actually face them. The customer is the right person to come up with the risk assessment and mitigation plan, in coordination with the project team, of course. Engagement of the customer right from the start in assessing risks proves to be fruitful for the health of the entire project. After all, they are the primary owners of the custom software solution once it is kicked off and implemented.

"It’s important to listen to your customers so that you know their wants and needs. Closing our months and opening our ears is the first step in building lasting customer relationships." – John Di Lemme

As a leading Custom Software Development Company in India, our skilled software resources have been implementing consistent and sustained custom software solutions in India, with a multilayered range of services, in vivid technologies that can give your organization the best of business efficiency and effectiveness. Our Custom Software Development solutions have been successfully implemented across a wide range of enterprise clientele, all around the globe.

We, as IT partners of our clients, recommend an extremely competent, prepared & proficient resource pool, qualified by technology experts’ viz. Microsoft, Oracle, Pentaho, PMI. Our contemporary project management procedures, supple engagement models, infrastructure setup, well-defined security policies and knowledge management methods provide us an edge above the others. Supplementing resources with slightest lead time is our strength, with India being a hub for IT technical resource competency.

Request for a Free POC to test drive our Custom Software Development Services.

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