Tuesday 14 November 2017

What’s new in iOS 11.2 beta 3? Hands-on with changes and features [Video]

This post was originally published here
Earlier today Apple released iOS 11.2 beta 3 to developers. Unlike the previous update, which featured new wallpaper and the beta rollout of Apple Pay Cash, there aren’t as many user-facing features and changes this time around. However, there is one new change that is bound to spark conversation — the presence of a new Control Center indicator on the Lock screen.
Changes/features covered in this video
  • New message explaining Wi-Fi Control Center toggle
  • Wi-Fi toggle now white when disconnected
  • New message explaining Bluetooth Control Center toggle
  • Bluetooth toggle now white when disconnected
  • New Control Center Lock screen underline indicator in upper right-hand corner
There may be additional features included in iOS 11.2 beta 3, but these are the ones that we’ve identified thus far. We’ve put together a brief video to showcase the some of the new adjustments in beta 3, which you can watch below.

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